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How Well Our Pupils Learn


Key Stage 2

Your school is in the top 7% when compared to all schools nationally for the number of children achieving the expected standard in Reading, Writing & Maths.  This is equivalent to 25 more pupils in your school achieving the expected standard compared to the LA (Enfield Schools) average and equivalent to 27 more pupils in your school achieving the expected standard compared to the National average.

Your school’s outcomes have been above the LA and National average 3 times in the last 3 academic year(s) for achieving the expected standard in Reading, Writing & Maths.

Your school is in the top 3% of all schools nationally for Reading progress and in the top 6% of all schools for Reading outcomes.

Your school has been above the LA and National average 3 times in the last 3 academic years for Reading progress and outcomes.

48.7% of pupils achieved the higher standard in Reading in your school, 21.1% higher than the LA average of 27.6% and 19.7% higher than the National average of 29.0%.

Your school is in the top 8% when compared to all schools nationally for Writing progress and in the top 9% of all schools for Writing outcomes.

Your school has been above the LA and National average 3 times in the last 3 academic years for the expected standard in Writing.

Your school is in the top 12% when compared to all schools nationally for achieving the expected standard in Maths and in the top 8% for progress.

Your school has been above the Local Authority and National average 3 times in the last 3 academic years for Maths progress and outcomes.

35.0% achieved the higher standard in Maths in your school, 8.9% higher than the LA average of 26.1% and 11.2% higher than the National average of 23.8%.

Key Stage 1

Your school has been above the LA average 1 times and National average 2 times in the last 3 academic year(s) for achieving the expected standard in all subjects.

24.6% achieved the greater depth in Reading in your school, 6.7% higher than the LA average of 17.9% and 5.8% higher than the National average of 18.8%.

18.6% achieved the greater depth in Maths in your school, 2.1% higher than the LA average of 16.5% and 2.3% higher than the National average of 16.3%.

Your school’s outcomes have been above the LA average 3 times and National average 2 times in the last 3 academic year(s) for a greater depth in all subjects.

96.6% of your End of Key Stage 1 cohort achieved the expected standard in their Phonics assessment in your school, 8.3% higher than the LA average of 88.3% and 8.0% higher than the National average of 88.6%.

This is the equivalent to 10 more pupils in your school achieving the expected standard compared to the LA average and 9 more pupils in your school achieving the expected standard compared to the National average.

Your school has been above the LA average 3 times in the last 3 academic year(s) for the End of Key Stage 1 expected standard.


68.3% of children achieved a good level of development in your school, 3.1% higher than the LA average of 65.2% and 1.1% higher than the National average of 67.2%.

This is the equivalent of 4 more pupils in your school achieving a good level of development compared to the LA average and the equivalent of 1 more pupil in your school achieving a good level of development compared to the National average.

Your school has been above the LA and National average 2 times in the last 2 academic years.